Childcare facilities must maintain strict security about the people picking up their children. In today�s childcare provider environment, it is a challenge for childcare providers to know each child's parents individually. Parents and guardians are usually required to show a picture ID to pick up a child. This makes it easy for those who would pose as guardians and abduct children. Similarly, divorced parents with child-custody disputes can create pick-up problems.
It is important that each child care facility ensures that an authorized parent or guardian is picking up the right child. Requiring two-factor authentication to verify identity is strong step in the right direction. Now a picture is automatically linked with a fingerprint to authenticate parent or guardian identity
Billing disputes is often an additional complication within a childcare provider environment. In addition, early drop-offs and late pick-ups are frequently associated with monetary penalties. Fingerprint authentication can help childcare facilities keep an exact account of each child's attendance, automating a tedious and often debatable process, leaving little room for error. |
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